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Discovery Of Pfyn Culture Artifacts

Nussbaumen AG: Historical Remains Uncovered

Discovery of Pfyn Culture Artifacts

Significant Archaeological Find

During recent excavations in Nussbaumen AG, archaeologists have uncovered significant remains belonging to the Pfyn culture. This discovery has immense potential for understanding the region's history and culture during the Neolithic period.

The Pfyn culture, which flourished in the Alpine region around 3900 to 3200 BCE, was known for its distinctive pottery, flint tools, and agricultural practices. The remains found in Nussbaumen provide valuable insights into the daily lives, social structures, and technological advancements of this ancient civilization.

The excavation site, located at the junction of Schulstrasse 7-9 and Landstrasse 154-156, has yielded a wealth of artifacts, including fragments of pottery, stone tools, and animal bones. The presence of these remains indicates that the site was once a settlement or workshop area.

Experts believe that the Pfyn culture played a crucial role in the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agriculture in the region. The discovery of these remains in Nussbaumen AG will contribute significantly to our understanding of this pivotal period in human history.
